Bilateral Meetings
- (09.30 am - 05.30 pm). Please add the "Cooperation Profile" below

Cooperation for international business relations
I was born and lived in Bavaria until the age of 20 years. I transferred to Italy in 1982. Resident in Albenga (SV) until 1992, where I worked for six years as Assistant to the Management of a Hotel in Alassio and for four years as a clerk responsible for export (sales & logistics) at a manufacturer company of "shopper bags" with the task of following customers as the most important international supermarket chains. Transfer to Piedmont Casale Monferrato in 1992 with employment as Assistant to the Sales Export at a multinational company. I had direct relations with the Purchasing Managers of multinational companies such as Bosch, Siemens, Delphi, General Electric, Whirlpool, and many others. Besides commercial activities I was involved in the Quality (ISO 9001) relationship between customer and supplier. Following this experience, which was for me very significant and important for my professional career, I worked as office manager in the administration department for international business in a company operating in the field of “Refrigeration Systems” and after as Assistant to the General Management in a company supplier of the automotive industry. In 1998, highly motivated also by several requests from companies with whom I have had relations in my different functions, I decided to work as a Freelance Manager for Italian and foreign companies, where my main activity was and still is the technical and sales coordination between the supplier and the customer. Among others I followed a young company with less than 10 employees in the international business development, starting from "zero" in the electronics sector applied to motors, which now has about 100 employees with offices abroad. Another challenge was concluded with a great success in 2005, when after having supported my client for a few years regarding its international development, the company opened a new manufacturing site in a country of 'Eastern Europe, which today employs more than 50 employees. Over the years, thanks to "by word of mouth", I was able to help several companies and SMEs and today I continue to lend my skills and share my professional experiences acquired over the years described as Executive Temporary Manager or with medium-long term contracts, depending on the customer's needs and the project to be carried out.
My professionalism and competence is mainly based on my work experience (including also some failures) and the hard school in the "field" and less on theoretical studies.
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
- Other