To participate at the conference and/or at the B2B meetings, please click on the REGISTER button on the right-top of the page.

  1. Fill all the mandatory fields in the registration form (please note that the password is at your choice!)
  2. Check the event you are interested to participate to (conference, business meeting, technical tour only for the Mediterranean participants)
  3. If you are interested to participate to the business meetings, please complete the box "add the cooperation profile". The cooperation profile is the main information that the counterparts will look when selecting the counterparts for the meetings and it states what are you requesting/offering and your expected objective of the meetings

Your profile will be validated by the organizers and you will be contacted if any information is missing.


As soon as your profile is complete and validated, you can start booking the meetings. 

  • LOGIN to your profile, using your password and password
  • Click on the "hand lens" symbol on the left side of the page on the blue column
  • Look at the profiles and "request a meeting" with the one fitting with your profile. You can filter the profiles by sector, keywords and Country.
  • To check the status of the meetings you requested and the ones that the others requested to you, look at the "clouds" symbol on the left side of the page on the blue column
  • Your preliminary agenda will be always visible, clicking on the "calendar" symbol on the left side of the page on the blue column


For any problem, please contact us at the mail - ref. Promos-UNIDO

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants165
  • Meetings Requested1223
  • Meetings Accepted444


Profile views

  • Before Event9077
  • After Event351699


  • unido.jpg
  • loghi_dim_04.jpg
  • cooperazione_ita.jpg

Supported by

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  • women_4_expo.jpg


  • min.jpg
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  • min_lebanon.jpg
  • min_3.jpg
  • loghi_dim_03.jpg
  • min_marocco.jpg
  • bpwa.jpg
  • loghi_dim_01.jpg
  • femmes.jpg
  • palestine.jpg
  • loghi_dim_02.jpg
  • awtad.jpg