Bilateral Meetings
- (09.30 am - 05.30 pm). Please add the "Cooperation Profile" below
ICT and New Technologies
Business Opportunities in Central/South America, Sub-Saharian Africa and Eastern Europe
We support Companies in finding:
Local Partner to partecipate to Governative Contracts
Local Distributors/Sales Representatives
Local Partner for Installation and Maintenance
Moreover we support Companies for Subscription, Monitoring and Participation to UN and World Bank Contracts.
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution
Products and Services in ICT and Defence/Aerospace
We could offer a lot of Products in following Applications:
- Homeland Security/Border Control
- Radar
- Flight Simulator/Trainer
- Unmanned Vehicles
- Satellite and Inertial Navigation
- Infomobility
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
Business opportunities in Turkish Market
Microlab started an activity aimed to verify the interest of
Companies to operate in Turkish market, not just in Electronics/ICT areas
but even in Mechanics, Food, Tourism, Building, etc.
Microlab is now partner of Eurosis, that's a Turkish Company making scouting
and supporting both in pre-deal and post-deal phases the Companies willing
to make business in Turkey or that already operate in Turkey but want to
increase their portfolio.
Members of Eurosis are people coming from primary Consultancy Companies
(Accenture, Gartner, Pricewaterhouse) and from board of directors of primary
Turkish Companies, both public and private.
Currently Eurosis has his headquarter in Turkey and offices in Dubai and
Kuala Lumpur.
Moreover the well-established presence in Turkey is a bridge to the rich
economies of the ex Soviet Republic countries, the like of Azerbaijan,
Kazakhistan e Turkmenistan, countries that, as said, are very rich but have
a lot of work to do around infrastructures and services.
For this purpose Eurosis is now promoting a venture called "The New Silk
Road" aimed to make business in above ex Soviet Republic countries,
UAE/Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing
Consultancy/Design/Manufacturing Services in Electronics
As stated in our Company profile, due to our broad spectrum of know-how, Microlab can approach many areas of the Electronics Design. Whether the Customer needs just a consultancy or a complete design support or manufacturing services, Microlab can accomplish that thanks to more than 30 years spent to solve and support Customer requests.
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution