Bilateral Meetings
- (09.30 am - 05.30 pm). Please add the "Cooperation Profile" below

DescriptionMakladWali is a design house specialized in handmade leather bags for men and women
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Creative Industry
Manufacturing Leather Goods for third parties
We can manufacture leather goods for third parties. We can provide designs and/or manufacture your own designs. Our facility is in a free trade zone and are certified for export to Europe.
Cooperation Offered
- Manufacturing agreement
MakladWali is seeking distributors of its leather products.
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution
MakladWali is looking for partners to export its handmade leather goods to in Europe
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution
Marketing Assistance in leather industry
We need help opening up new markets outside Egypt for our handmade leather goods. We also need help identifying potential clients and securing sales deals.
Cooperation Requested
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution
- Manufacturing agreement